Maria Weston Chapman Middle School

Providing Equitable, Personalized, and Inclusive Education Reinforcing that a Strong Educational System is the Foundation of a Strong Community


Weymouth, MA


Town of Weymouth

Project Cost

$164.2 million


The Maria Weston Chapman Middle School, originally built in 1961 in Weymouth, has undergone a transformative redevelopment to become a cutting-edge educational facility.

Spanning 252,170 sf, the new school includes a substantial renovation of the existing gymnasium, which was preserved and enhanced due to its size and historical significance. The school’s architecture features three academic wings organized around a central “Town Square,” an innovative space serving as a circulation hub, gathering area, and dining facility. This design fosters a cohesive educational environment, supporting a middle school team teaching model with an interdisciplinary focus.

About the Project

Originally serving 7th and 8th graders, community feedback during early visioning sessions highlighted a desire for a traditional 6th-8th grade configuration, accommodating 1,470 students. After approval from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) was secured, this vision became the cornerstone of the project.

The driving force behind the project was to foster student well-being and provide an equitable education for all. As the largest middle school in Massachusetts, the facility ensures each student’s social, emotional, and academic needs are met by establishing small learning communities within the greater school where students feel welcome and supported. From the layout to graphics and color selection, every piece of the school is designed to promote a sense of belonging and foster a small-school atmosphere.

The new Chapman Middle School is not only a modern educational space but also a community hub. It boasts an 840-seat performance theater, versatile exploratory labs, a media center, and specialized STEAM labs. The design emphasizes sustainability and natural light, featuring outdoor classrooms, fitness areas, and drought-resistant landscaping. This redevelopment embodies Weymouth’s commitment to providing equitable, personalized, inclusive, and interdisciplinary education, reinforcing the town’s belief that a strong educational system is the foundation of a strong community.


Owner's Project Management

