DASNY State-Wide Environmental Consulting Services

Eliminating Hazardous Building Materials Statewide


Various Locations, NY


Dormitory Authority State of New York

Project Cost

$35 million in direct fees since 2009


Since 2009, LiRo-Hill has provided comprehensive environmental code compliance consulting services to DASNY for properties state-owned or managed throughout New York State. These services include site inspections to identify and evaluate the impact of any existing hazardous materials, universal wastes, lead based paint, mold, and asbestos-containing materials; design services to generate site-specific abatement specifications and removal drawings, as well as related pre-bid services; abatement project management and construction management during remediation; and project monitoring and air testing during abatement.

About the Project

Most of the largest projects under this state-wide effort are part of one of three major program areas: SUNY/CUNY facilities, OMH facilities, and GOSR facilities. SUNY/CUNY project work, as well as OMH project work, focuses upon capital improvements that often require the full spectrum of services that are provided in a coordinated fashion with the facilities and lead design professionals. A typical project would have LiRo-Hill engaged at the schematic phase of work, where we would review scoping reports and conduct preliminary field inspections to identify high order-of-magnitude environmental issues that may influence the cost and overall direction of the project. Subsequently, we conduct follow-up inspections that are tailored to the 60% and 100% design details. Any hazard materials that require remediation are captured in bid documents including specifications, removal plans, and Work Place Safety/Egress plans. During remediation, our environmental inspectors perform oversight of contractor activities and serve essentially as the project’s construction manager, confirming compliance with the project specific work plan, coordinating with facility management, reviewing payments, and preparing close out submissions.

Projects under DASNY’s support for the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery focused on assisting homeowners and business owners severely impacted by Superstorm Sandy in 2012 to recover from the impact of flood water and overall storm damage. Many of these efforts included elevations to facilities located inside the flood zone.

Project Challenges & Solutions

In the single largest effort undertaken by the environmental operation, LiRo-Hill worked under the guidance and direction of DASNY in support of the New York Rising Housing and Community Renewal program. In this effort, LiRo-Hill provided certified lead-based paint inspectors, risk assessors, asbestos inspectors, and management planners to conduct assessments in up to 9,000 homes to identify asbestos and LBP hazards that needed to be addressed as part of the program’s construction/repair reimbursement mission. Upwards of 120 reports were generated daily that summarized the assessment findings and were passed through a rigorous QA/QC. Based on the complicated factors of this project, LiRo-Hill wrote policy and procedures statements to streamline these challenges going forward. These better define the program parameters, guidance documents, and Operations and Maintenance plans for home owners, and LiRo-Hill also prepared cost estimates for both environmental assessment and remediation tasks.


Because LiRo-Hill is licensed for both environmental services and professional engineering services, DASNY is able to call upon LiRo-Hill as a single partner for capital project work from the schematic design phase, through construction and project close out. The benefit to this is a fully engaged service provider for the life of the project. Moreover, the expertise and insight we bring to these projects help to achieve completed capital improvements to facilities that manifest in greater energy efficiency, facilitated public access and occupancy, upgraded building systems, and the overall extension of the facilities’ lifespans.



