The Green Line Extension (GLX) project comprises light rail service on two new branches extending from Lechmere Station in Cambridge to Union Square Station in Somerville and College Avenue Station in Medford. It will include a new Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) located in Somerville, MA. The tracks for the new extensions are located along the existing MBTA Lowell and Fitchburg Lines, which are currently used by commuter rail services. The GLX project also includes a start-up, testing, commissioning, and safety certification phase that will be part of the DB Contract. The project includes the following elements:
- Relocation of 3.4 miles of New Hampshire Main Line double track and construction of new Medford Branch Green Line tracks.
- Relocation of 0.9 miles of Fitchburg Commuter Rail double track and construction of new Union Square Branch.
- Green Line tracks.
- Six new stations and one relocated station in the following locations: Lechmere (relocated to the north side of Monsignor O’Brien Highway); East Somerville (formerly Washington Street); Gilman Square; Magoun Square (formerly Lowell Street); Ball Square; College Avenue; and Union Square.
- A VMF, including a transportation building, storage track, and surface parking.
- Replacement or rehabilitation of several bridges.
- New drainage, utilities, retaining walls, and noise barriers in the rail corridors.
- Approximately one mile of viaduct.
- Systems for light rail (traction power, overhead contact system, signal, and communications) and commuter rail.
- Roadway and intersection improvements.
- Additional use of non-automobile travel through coordination of transit and bicycle/ pedestrian facilities between the project and the planned Somerville Community Path.
About the Project
LiRo-Hill is providing complete Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services which include, but are not limited, soil, concrete, reinforcing steel, structural steel inspections and testing. LiRo-Hill QAM services also include materials engineering and management and a complete quality auditing program.