The TC Passios building is a former elementary school built in 1950, with several later-date additions. The building is currently occupied by the Public Access Cable TV Studio, the school central offices and different school programs such as the ACE program for young adults aged 18-22, and the Extended Day and Early Learning programs. In addition, the gymnasium is used by community members and organizations.
About the Project
LiRo-Hill was hired to study the reuse of this building for multiple occupancy use groups, including for the School Administration and before and after school programs. LiRo-Hill performed a comprehensive multidiscipline conditions assessment evaluating all building and site components, including but not limited to the existing building envelopes (brick masonry, stonework, windows, doors, roofs), MEP/ FP systems, structural building framing, architectural finishes, civil/site features, MAAB accessibility upgrades, building code required upgrades, security improvements, and construction cost estimates.
Our team also performed a space needs assessment to maintain the current occupancies within the building and to also relocate all Town Hall offices into this building. After completion of the space needs assessment, LiRo-Hill developed design development plans and construction cost estimates for presentation to the Town to obtain final design and construction funding. As part of our deliverable to the Town, we provided a comprehensive conditions assessment report, with deficiencies found and construction costs to repair and replace systems to achieve a 50-year life span for the renovated facility.